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Other Resources

We seek to share other research resources on early college. This page includes links to some key resources. If you have a research resource you would like to share, please submit it via the Submission page.

Please note that we are currently unable to post resources related to implementation on our site.

To get you started on the early college research, you may want to read the Early And Middle College Model – Summary of Literature by Dr. Edmunds.

Organizations conducting research or sharing research resources

American Institutes of Research has conducted extensive work on early colleges including a descriptive national evaluation and a retrospective experimental study. Their research can be found at:

College in High School Alliance is a policy advocacy group but they also share research resources:

Early College Database: Our colleagues at AIR have developed a national database of early colleges and an interactive map that provides the location and key information about early colleges throughout the U.S.

Jobs for the Future has multiple briefs arising from their work leading the National Early College High School Initiative and their early college expansion work:

KnowledgeWorks supports early college work and has resources on their website:

Middle College National Consortium (MCNC) is a national organization of early and middle colleges. They include resources and data on their website:

National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching (NCREST) at Teachers College, Columbia University has conducted substantial research on early college implementation:–resources/ (search for early and middle colleges)

Additional research articles

Alaie, A. (2011). Early College High Schools: Lessons learned in the college science classroom. Urban Education, 46(3), 426-439.

Allen, T. O. (2016). Managing expectations and striving to succeed: a Portrait of a Latino male student’s experience in an early college high school. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 23:2, 93-105.

Allen, A. & Roberts, J. K. (2017)  Evaluating implementation of the early college model through a theory of change. International Journal of Educational Reform, 26:3, 250-257.

Ari, O., Fisher-Ari, T., Killacky, J. & Angel, R. (2017). “This is my family outside of my family”; Care-based relating in a model early college high school. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 25: 61. ISSN 1068-2341.

Barnett, E., Maclutsky, E. & Wagonlander, C. (2015). Emerging early college models for traditionally underserved students. New Directions for Community Colleges, 169, 39-49.

Born, T. (2006). Middle and early college high schools–providing multilevel support and accelerated learning. New Directions for Community Colleges, 135(49-58).

Bruce, L. M. (2007). Perceptions, motivations, and achievement of African-American students enrolled in a middle college high school. (Doctor of Education), University of North Carolinat at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC.  

Cullen, C. (1991). Membership and engagement at Middle College High School. Urban Education, 26(1), 83-93.

Del Prete, T. (2007). Equity and effectiveness: Challenge and promise in a tale of two schools and a partnership. Equity and Excellence in Education, 39, 47-54

Duncheon, J. C. & DeMatthews, D.E. (2019). Early college high school principals: Preparing historically underrepresented students for college success. NASSP Bulletin, 102: 4, 269-290

Fischetti, J., MacKain, S., & Smith, R. (2011). Mr. Watson, come here…:The performance of early college students in their first year at the university and the challenge to P-16 education. Improving Schools, 14(1), 48-64.

Haskell, R.E. (2016). Effects of dual-credit enrollment and early college high school on Utah public education. Applied Economics and Finance, 3:2, 54-72

Kaniuka, T. S., & Vickers, M. (2010). Lessons learned: How early college high schools offer a pathway for high school reform. NASSP Bulletin, 94(3), 165-183.

Kisker, C. B. (2006). Integrating high school and the community college: Previous efforts and current possibilities. Community College Review, 34(1), 68-86.

Lauen, D., Barret, N., Fuller, S. C., & Janda, L. (2017). Early colleges at scale: Impacts on secondary and postsecondary outcomes. American Journal of  Education, 123(4), 523-551.

Leigh, A. (2008). Program implementation and student outcomes are four western North Carolina early college high schools. Dissertation at ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.

Leonard, J. (2013) Funding early college high school: Hold harmless or shared commitment. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 21:46, 1-18.

Leonard, J. (2013). Negotiated issues in an early college partnership: Description and understanding through interorganizational theory. Current Issues in Education, 16:3.

Locke, L.A. & McKenzie, K.B. (2015). “It’s like giving us a car, only without the wheels”: a critical policy analysis of an early college programme. International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice.

Locke, L. A., Maxwell, G., & Tello, M. (2017). “… you don’t come to this school… to show off your hoodies”: Latinas, Community Cultural Wealth, and an Early College High School. The Qualitative Report, 22:9, 2404-2427.

Locke, L. A., Stedrak, L.J. & Eadens, D. (2014). Latina students, an early college high school, and educational opportunity: A case study.  Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 17:1, 59-71.

McDonald, D. & Farrell, T. (2012). Out of the mouths of babes: Early college high school students transformational learning experiences. Journal of Advanced Academics, 23: 3, 217-248.

McMoran, M.A.. (2011). Effect of early college participation on high school student academic performance in the state of Texas.

Muñoz,M.A., Fischetti, J.C. & Prather, J.R. (2014) An early college initiative in an urban, high-poverty high school: First-year effects on student achievement and non-academic indicators. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR), 19:1, 36-52, DOI: 10.1080/10824669.2014.927746

Oliver, M., Ricard, R. J., Witt, K. J., Alvarado, M., Hill, P., (2010). Creating college advising connections: Comparing motivational beliefs of early college high school students to traditional first-year university students. NACADA Journal, 30:1, 14-22.

Ongaga, K.O. (2010) Students’ learning Experiences in an Early College High School. Peabody Journal of Education, 85:3, 375-388, DOI:10.1080/0161956X.2010.491708

Palaich, R., Augenblick, J., Foster, S., Anderson, A. B., & Rose, D. (2006). Return on investment in early college high schools. Augenblick, Palaich and Associates, Inc. Denver, CO.

Saenz, K.P. & Combs, J.P. (2015). Experiences, perce(Thompson & Onganga, 2011)ived challenges and support systems of early college high school students. Administrative Issues Journal: Connecting Education, Practice, and Research, 5: 1, 105-117.

Smith, R. Fischetti, J., Fort, D. Gurley, T. & Kelly, M. (2012)From the Margins to the Mainstream: Potential Impact of Early Colleges on Traditional HighSchools, The Educational Forum, 76:3, 383-394, DOI: 10.1080/00131725.2012.682641

Thompson, C., & Onganga, K. (2011). “Flying the plane while we build it”: a case study of an early college high school. The High School Journal, 94(2), 43-57.

Webb, M. J. (November, 2004). What is the cost of planning and implementing Early College High School? Boston, MA: Jobs for the Future

Watson, K.M. (2011). Successful organizational change strategies in high school education: A qualitative study of the early college high school model. Dissertation available at ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.  

Woodcock, J.B. & Beal, H.K.O. (2013). Voices of early college high school graduate in Texas: A narrative study. The High School Journal, 97:1,56-76.  Zinth, J. (2016) Early college high schools: Model policy components.  Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States.